Yes, I have recently become unencumbered by employment....
"How is that going?"
It really, really sucks!
With the only exception being that I can now legitimately spend most of my day in pajama pants.. I did however observe Moms walking their kids to school and shopping in them at the Krogers, I may soon be an all day PJ aficionado.
If you see me at the bus stop in pants featuring Penguins you may roll down and shout "snap out of it" but only if its after 4pm.
I have grown quite restless and can't seem to sleep very well while shopping for my new job, so I've upped my sleeping meds, which has had some curious side effects...last night I sat up in bed insistant that Charlie Sheen needed to come out of my closet, gave Ron (the hubby) a purple nurple for disagreeing with me, promptly stood up, screamed, walked across the bed and ripped the bear rug off the wall. After which I fell back to sleep and snored noisily for the rest of the night. Or so Ron tells me, I know this to be a complete fabrication as I absolutely do not snore!
However to err on the side of caution, my husband has hidden his Katana sword which used to be displayed over the bed....
While I continue to search for full time employment where sarcasm is a valued job skill, Ron will continue to sleep with one eye open....
Next blog topic: "Pajama Pants, the new Blue Jeans?"
Until next time, play nice with the other never know who will grow up to be the next Bill Gates...
Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....