Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Undercover Grace

I've heard that you won't find Grace unless you are so close to losing complete sight of it.

So close to the edge, I need somehow to reel myself back in.
Know all about the "Big Bad"...
Peering into the pit, I don't want to fall back in .
Need a hero some old school - Old Testiment a Sarah, Ruth or Esther I'm seeking some guidience

If I spend my days waiting for it to come rolling in on a bank of clouds- I would miss the small moments of undercover Grace.
Those small bits of beautiful bliss.

I've lost my way, way too often...spent much time seeking redemption looking in the wrong places.
Looking without instead of within.

So close to the edge, my toes brushing loose sand and pebbles...
Yes that close, I need somehow to reel myself back in...

Know all about the "Big Bad" I know him by name.
Seen the mirely pit.
Done my time with sin, don't want to fall right back in.

Need myself a hero, old school, old Testiment sister like Sarah, Ruth or Esther to tell my troubles to.
If I spend my days waiting for Grace to arrive on a bank of clouds, I would miss the small moments of undercover grace.,small bits of Beautiful Bliss.

Instead I get through another day with unheard sighs and unshod tears in my eyes.

Days spent seeking redemption looking without instead of with in.

My way lost, way too often, so close now my toes knocking those pebbles away , hearing them ping as they fall away. So close to capturing that undercover Grace.

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....