Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Second Saturday Campaign

Ok--if around 10 or so today turns out to Monday again, I'm going home---that’s all there is to it.
Legally there can only be one Monday in a week.
I'll sue I tell ya, I'll sue!!
We as Americans are entitled to our Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Let Amnesty international handle those little third world countries and their Monday problem, Japan has like 7 but they that’s not my problem.
As hard working Americans we deserve a second Saturday! 
In fact I am contacting my Congressman right now to demand a 2nd Saturday.
They get them in Europe and Canada---
Why should those Frost Backs and snooty Europeans get all the perks?
I tell you it’s just not fair!
I think we should picket, thats right hold the "Man" hostage with our demands,
"He" will have no choice but to cave in and give us what we want.
I am not afraid to express my affection for Saturday, there it is I have outed myself as a Saturday lover.
I am out of the Saturday closet.
Saturday lovers UNTIE! I mean Unite!!

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

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