Friday, November 5, 2010

Me, Mine, Now

I replayed a super funny and quite true clip that a friend posted earlier today...and it really strikes me how much we as a society are very much tuned to the entitlement/instant gratification side of our personalities and this in turn has lead to a very insular planet.
We have just amazing technology now a days but if it’s not instant and perfect folks don’t have the patience to make it work or look to fix it themselves....instead they take to the phone or internet to complain until sufficient butt kissery and amends is made.
We have the most incredible computers, lap tops, I-pads, Media players and cell phones ever!! For those phones we have applications that will tell you where you parked your car when you leave a stadium after a game and give you step by step instructions to get there. With a Google App you can just point your phone at the night sky and it will tell you the constellation you are pointing at and other interesting factoids. The update to that App will give you directions on how to get there, seriously…but…
And it’s a big BUT….like Aunt Rose’s big butt only way bigger…
We have no way to get there….
Because our world view has turned so insular, so planet bound because of the ME, MINE, NOW mindset, interest in space exploration is dwindling down, fast becoming a mothballed, shoved to the back of the closet project…governments have shifted their focus from the stars to the main streets. I am all for feeding and getting folks healthy on our planet, I get that, I campaign for it, but if we do not look to the stars and dream then we will be landlocked on a planet that we are systematically destroying…

Me, Mine, Now has shifted the focus from the whole galaxy and the wonderful possibilities that exist out there for all of humanity to that of the W.H.I.I.F.M. mind set…Whats In It For Me….

Our technology is expanding and growing at such a dramatic rate it’s incredible, just awe inspiring really…things are booming, so why aren’t we on Mars already?

But hey we have a phone app that will allow us to video conference around the world and control almost any electronic device in a building or map a jogging route using satellites, all of this in less time than it takes a toaster to do its job. In fact the Apollo 13 capsule made its way back to Earth on less juice than it takes to burn bread into toast. But each day interest seems to wither away from space travel each time we stick a Bluetooth device in our ear…Me, Mine, Now….

Soon we will finally get past all the tricky black hole, time bendy crap to invent a time traveling machine just for idiots who call into a customer care center so they can fix a problem on somebody's statement or repair a product before it won't be to better humanity or save lives before a calamity, it will be to satisfy some jerk's instant gratification demand on flight delay or to go back in time to flip the switch to get the free HBO for a week...

Louis C's rant that got me started on this....

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....