Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Twitterverse or High School Cafeteria?

The more time I spend on it the more I am convinced that Twitter is a high tech version of a High School Cafeteria...very much divided up by the table you sit at. Yep just another social clique, rife with the popularity rankings I thought I left behind 20 plus years ago (if anyone tweets or posts the exact amount of years, I will hunt you down like the dog you are).
Obviously the popular kids and/or jocks are still the same, with thousands if not millions of followers. Celebs will deign you worthy or not to sit at their table by answering your tweet or "following" you back. Although some recognize their roots and have dibs on a seat at the nerd table, its open to them at any time. However, any mere mortal with delusions of sitting at the popular table should just give it up now and walk back to their dweeb seat.

Grudgingly, I will admit that I get an oddly perverse thrill at being retweeted by the likes of Bruce Campbell or Alec Baldwin (there was this onetime thing with John Cleese, but that is a story for another blog..swoon), but that in no way diminishes the joy I gain for having a Sci-Fi lovefest with buds halfway around the country or the globe, or for that matter just down a ways in Ann Arbor (<3 u Shanna Momma).

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a peek into an A or B lister's fabulous life and retweet their posts from time to time, but I have no aspirations to sit at their table. I sure as hell didn't at Harrison High School and still don't today as a mostly, somewhat fully realized human being today. Plus I can add my snarky witticisms when I do retweet them as a comeuppance that they will surely never rise to (but never fear I have my sarcasm set on stun).

So this is where I praise my new found Twitterfriends of the Star Trek/Sci-Fi/Comic nomenclature for a daily chuckle and reality check. ***PRAISE BE UPON YE*** for interesting and occasionally thought provoking Youtube, ST, and comic links. Also to the Celebs with their beautiful teeth and hair who tweet about...well just how fabulous their life is I suppose...

Twitterfriends Superpowers Unite in the form of.... Snarky Comments!

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....