Friday, November 5, 2010

Me, Mine, Now

I replayed a super funny and quite true clip that a friend posted earlier today...and it really strikes me how much we as a society are very much tuned to the entitlement/instant gratification side of our personalities and this in turn has lead to a very insular planet.
We have just amazing technology now a days but if it’s not instant and perfect folks don’t have the patience to make it work or look to fix it themselves....instead they take to the phone or internet to complain until sufficient butt kissery and amends is made.
We have the most incredible computers, lap tops, I-pads, Media players and cell phones ever!! For those phones we have applications that will tell you where you parked your car when you leave a stadium after a game and give you step by step instructions to get there. With a Google App you can just point your phone at the night sky and it will tell you the constellation you are pointing at and other interesting factoids. The update to that App will give you directions on how to get there, seriously…but…
And it’s a big BUT….like Aunt Rose’s big butt only way bigger…
We have no way to get there….
Because our world view has turned so insular, so planet bound because of the ME, MINE, NOW mindset, interest in space exploration is dwindling down, fast becoming a mothballed, shoved to the back of the closet project…governments have shifted their focus from the stars to the main streets. I am all for feeding and getting folks healthy on our planet, I get that, I campaign for it, but if we do not look to the stars and dream then we will be landlocked on a planet that we are systematically destroying…

Me, Mine, Now has shifted the focus from the whole galaxy and the wonderful possibilities that exist out there for all of humanity to that of the W.H.I.I.F.M. mind set…Whats In It For Me….

Our technology is expanding and growing at such a dramatic rate it’s incredible, just awe inspiring really…things are booming, so why aren’t we on Mars already?

But hey we have a phone app that will allow us to video conference around the world and control almost any electronic device in a building or map a jogging route using satellites, all of this in less time than it takes a toaster to do its job. In fact the Apollo 13 capsule made its way back to Earth on less juice than it takes to burn bread into toast. But each day interest seems to wither away from space travel each time we stick a Bluetooth device in our ear…Me, Mine, Now….

Soon we will finally get past all the tricky black hole, time bendy crap to invent a time traveling machine just for idiots who call into a customer care center so they can fix a problem on somebody's statement or repair a product before it won't be to better humanity or save lives before a calamity, it will be to satisfy some jerk's instant gratification demand on flight delay or to go back in time to flip the switch to get the free HBO for a week...

Louis C's rant that got me started on this....

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coming out of the Trek Closet...

A lot has been happening in the news of late. Media coverage of bullying, especially that of gay/lesbian teens is all over the TV and Internet. This is very sad and it angers me to no end. I am glad to say that an outpouring of sympathy and support from the gay community and other supportive caring folks is posting all over the internet, Facebook, Youtube and all sorts of TV news programs and PSA's.
I myself am not gay but I know what it’s like to be bullied because you are different.
As a young kid it started with braces on my legs, add in a learning disability and my life was hell for quite a few years.
Oddly enough when I was in Jr High and early High School, I was simultaneously taunted with "Nerd" by the Jocks and Burn Out crowd and shoved into lockers and also shunned by the Nerds and called "Burn Out"....eventually I learned to use humor to connect and managed to crawl somewhat up the social ranks and avoided ridicule by my Junior year and gained some popularity/notoriety by the time I graduated.
As an adult bullying is no longer acceptable behavior, so they change the description to things like bigotry and harassment.
I have been harassed because folks think I am gay, why else would I carry a wallet in my back pocket and have gay friends?  
I have been discriminated against on so many things from being Christian, adopted, a non-custodial Mother, as PWT, as a blonde and then as a red head, to even being picked on for being a person of mixed race.
The plain and simple truth is that some folks are just plain mean or in order to feel important, they belittle others, and if you give them a chance you will be bullied for turning oxygen into carbon dioxide...

In the spirit of folks donating their FB posts/status to the awareness of different causes, today I donated my FB status to Trekkies of all genders, race, religion and orientation that have come out or will come out of the Star Trek closet. It’s not easy my little closeted Trekker compadres, but it will get better.
Watching Star Trek as a kid provided escapism and helped me deal with daily bullying, it gave me hope for a future where things would be different, but made me a target for ridicule ever since.
For decades Trekkies have been bullied. And people wonder why I.T. techs are so condescending and bitter.
One time after a ST event, when I wore a Next Generation Uniform while on a Mountain Dew run at a grocery store, an idiot in a football jersey and a big Blue “M” painted on his face, repeatedly pushed my ST badge saying “Beam Me Up Scotty” and made alien sex jokes while his Neanderthal buddies giggled in unison holding their cases of beer.
Trekkies as a group have been sneered upon by media and victims of condescending jerks everywhere. We’ve been shoved in school lockers and mocked on TV, even by our own ST heroes....
It’s funny how one group of people who believe in a vision of the future where there is no bigotry or greed, where people of all races, genders and orientation work together for the greater good are constantly mocked and belittled. Granted some Trekkers or Trekkies take it to the extreme with their pointed ears, uniforms and Klingonese.
With a recent retooling for a Blockbuster ST movie by JJ Abrams and a popular TV show about nerds in prime time, Trekkies are going mainstream ya’ll!
I came out of my Star Trek Closet 19 years ago and haven't looked back, I was a Trekkie before it was cool.
Sure WE are the nerds that hoard toys, figurines and other items from a plethora of available Star Trek Merchandise, say goofy things and wear odd clothing.

WE also do blood drives and collect clothes for charity.
WE volunteer at homeless shelters and stock the shelves at food banks
WE support the humane society and Amnesty International as well as other humanitarian foundations and charities around the world
WE fix your lap tops and are on hand to set up emergency communications in areas that are war torn and devastated by natural disasters.
WE design your computers, cell phones, and medical equipment.
WE are the Engineers that make your cars safe.
WE are the smarty pants people that created flat screen TVs, HD, THX, IMAX and Video Games.
WE are the Doctors and Nurses that treat you in your local emergency rooms.
WE are the Astronauts who pilot the space shuttle.
WE are the Authors who write books that appear on best seller lists.
WE are brilliant Physicists.
WE are award winning Actors, Producers and Directors that make movies that gross billions.
WE are the Humanitarians who spend millions if not billions on relief to Africa.
WE are a President that sits in the White House as I type this.
WE are a man who once said “I have a dream!”

That’s right I am a Trekkie and I am proud!

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

Friday, October 1, 2010

How about that??

One of my favorite people; Anne Taintor--chick genius and all around snarky broad --typed my name and responded to my posting on her blog (she's a professional)
And got a response from somebody else as well, it seems at least one other person on the planet thinks I am funny---who knew??

I put Anne's site link in this post so visit and buy some stuff!

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Second Saturday Campaign

Ok--if around 10 or so today turns out to Monday again, I'm going home---that’s all there is to it.
Legally there can only be one Monday in a week.
I'll sue I tell ya, I'll sue!!
We as Americans are entitled to our Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Let Amnesty international handle those little third world countries and their Monday problem, Japan has like 7 but they that’s not my problem.
As hard working Americans we deserve a second Saturday! 
In fact I am contacting my Congressman right now to demand a 2nd Saturday.
They get them in Europe and Canada---
Why should those Frost Backs and snooty Europeans get all the perks?
I tell you it’s just not fair!
I think we should picket, thats right hold the "Man" hostage with our demands,
"He" will have no choice but to cave in and give us what we want.
I am not afraid to express my affection for Saturday, there it is I have outed myself as a Saturday lover.
I am out of the Saturday closet.
Saturday lovers UNTIE! I mean Unite!!

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where have all my products gone??

Where have all my products gone??
The Deodorants, Skin Creams, Make Up, Body Powders, Shampoos, Conditioners and Styling Products that I have searched high and low for that makes my life more bearable have disappeared from the shelves of drug stores and online stock alike.
 You are thinking, "whats the big stinking deal its just shampoo and crap?"
Obviously you have never had sensitive skin or fine hair and have a red neck well water softening system (the sucker turns my body into a giant salt lick thank you very much).
Add that to already sensitive skin and  those stinkin pellets turn me into a dry skinned, stringy haired, smelly freak---and not in a good way!
So it takes years to find just the right no aluminum sulfate deodorant stick (Tom's of Maine, unscented with Hops!) combined with Shower to Shower (peach scented) that makes me less smelly and keeps me from welting up and itching like a girl who did the nasty in the Poison Ivy patch (Nothin sexier than digging at your screaming itchy pits throughout the day like a chimp at the zoo) only to find out that the product has been discontinued and no longer made!
I guess that happens from time to time as perhaps there aren't as many chicks out there who have insanely sensitive skin AND stupid well water with a redneck softener system installed in their Cracka these products may not have sold well and therefore removed from shelves.
However, conspiracy theories have started to develop in my mind because not only did these products disappear off the planet but so did the specialized hair care products that took me years to find!
As a chica with fine hair and the aforementioned red neck salt lick issues its difficult to find something that works well. The people at Loreal had hit a home run with me with the SMOOTH INTENSE Shampoo and Conditioner for "Fine Hair that is frizzy" (yes it actually says that on the stupid bottle) first Loreal stopped producing the product line for Fine Hair that is Frizzy and then the entire line altogether! Forcing me to visit as many Big Lots outlet stores with in driving distance searching for the one Shampoo and Conditioner that doesn't make me look like Frizzy McGee or Greasy Louise...I struck gold last week in Pontiac when I found a lonely bottle of conditioner on the shelf in electronics (so organized at Big Lots!) I don't think my fellow outlet shoppers had ever seen a middle aged gal with a bottle of conditioner in her hand doing the Cabbage Patch Dance of Victory in the middle of the store before and likely won't again, I will admit that running up and down the aisles seeking high fives was a bit extreme...just think what I would have done if I had found a bottle of long lost Sunsilk Hydra TLC Smoothening Creme --I may have ran up and down the aisles hooting, hollering and waving my shirt over my head and screaming
"smoothening creme baby! That's what I'm talking about! Wooooowhoooooo!" Because it works that good!
The Loreal people tell me that they discontinued the Specialized Hair Care line because it was too specialized and not all the products sold as well as they expected. OK so they are telling me I am just not THAT special anymore...that hurts Loreal, that really hurts!! That stings in a place that actually doesn't require a specialized highly difficult to find heart!
So to those companies that discontinued making my stuff, you can kiss my salty kiester!

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

I'm Bloated...(yes its that one...)

I’m Bloated Dammit and it’s all YOUR FAULT..

I feel like one of those Thanksgiving day balloon floats tethered to the ground.

Only I want to break all the restraining lines and trample every man in sight…

I’m Bloated Dammit and it’s all YOUR FAULT..

My cravings are so bad that I am forever banned at the UTAH salt flats

And HERSHEY Pennsylvania has set up road blocks to keep my butt out.

I’m Bloated Dammit and it’s all YOUR FAULT..

I don’t wish to be treated as a china doll

Just get out of my face and stay there

Your petty crap is enough to drive me over the edge and I will take you with me.

I’m Bloated Dammit and it’s all YOUR FAULT..

and if one more penis enabled male makes another PMS crack I will show him what Putting up with Men’s Sh*t is all about

I’m Bloated Dammit and it’s all YOUR FAULT..

Whereas MIDOL won’t cut it where as an UZI just might …..

performance piece written for the NOW people for International Day of Women circa '96 or '97

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

Monday, August 30, 2010

Crazy Small Cars...

Cars are just getting so tiny now a days aren't they? With the success of the Mini Cooper and the Smart Car, the Car Manufacturers are throwing together all kinds of tiny boxy cars out on the road..and I mean teeny tiny too.
The other day I saw one of them Toyota Yaris's.. dang that thing is just so small when I shot past it shimmied like I was a semi blowing by..and I drive an Escort!
The Yaris, its one of those alternative fuel source cars, friction... right? A couple of scoots on the carpet and the thing can go all day...
-- Even Ford is getting into the game- they have reintroduced the Fiestiva, Anglo-cizing the name to Fiesta as we Americans obviously can't make the leap from Fiesta to Fiestiva --these things are still made in Mexico so to cross boarder they put them in the trunk of a Mustang..but the good news if they use a SUV, they can fit like 20 Festivas plus all the guys who work the assembly line in one trip...

Those stinkin' Smart Cars, people be bragging about owning a Smart Car.."its cute, its fuel efficient, I can pack into my carry-on suitcase so I don't have to rent a car at the Airport for trips..blah, blah.."
Yes even in cyberspace you can hear my eye roll can't you?
How "Smart" can these people be? Heck they just bought what amounts to a "cute" lunch box with 4 wheels for about 20 thou..But hey it comes in PLAID!! So worth it right?

What I don't get is how people are willing to pay big bucks for these things, especially the Mini Cooper--those little Matchbox cars are what like $35k right?
Next thing you know we'll be shelling out $30 grand for what amounts to a unicycle with an airbag..holding a lawnmower engine between our knees and the only way we can take a passenger is by piggy know you'll do it too..just so you can brag about the fuel economy and how you're saving the planet and all....

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

Walk Your Dog, Down, Down, Down....

Out of breath like a fish outta water...

Drained like my battery is outta power..

Need to stop, plug in and slow down..

Gotta walk my dog-down-down-down..

I tap my meridians and Awaken my spine,..

To move into a space that is clearly mine..

Find a place to breathe in and out and in and out..

To stop and look with in and out and in and out..

Breathe into that space-

Breathe into my place-

Heartache, my face showing a frown..

So I gotta walk my dog-down-down-down..

Seeking my edge with grace..

Breathing in and out, bliss on my face..

Breath and movement-gifts abound..

Gotta walk my dog-down-down-down..

For Andrea,Rachel,Herb, Beth and my Body Language Yoga Instructor Classmates..

Thanks for the inspiration and persperation..
Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Stetson Over the Bar

Tonight in the Honky Tonk,

She sits quiet in a smokey haze..

Dolly's skirts just as fluffed out as always,

Her petticoats rustle. the hems are still starched.

The mirror ball reflects the bright disco lights glinting off the rhinestones on her glasses.

She's staring off somewhere past the tired bar band...

Really more of a somewhen than a somewhere...

Beyond the swirling, twirling dancers....

The young folks showing off in long line dances...

Dolly is lost, marooned in the past, of years gone by...

For all their years together that little country bar was their place to be.

A tricky little thing called memory parts its silvery curtain.

And Roy is here with her in memory his hand on hers, Dolly thinks of the first time she laid eyes on him.

Roy so tall and young, his Stetson brim tilted so low he had to peer at her like James Dean-making her heart skip a beat or three

Soon he was holding her whirling and twirling and doing the two step.

Seemingly carelessly but he carefully counted the paces smiling the whole time, but scared snotless of stepping on a toe.

The parquet dance floor was soon her little piece of heaven.

Dolly was just 17 ...

Climbing out of the window as he held the ladder...

Roy holding her hand as they ran to the car, laughing, smiling stealing a kiss or two on the way to that Honky Tonk.

To dance that 2 step and to hold each other close, not a sliver of light between them.

Dolly can still taste the smell of him, sweat and Aqua Velva.

In those days the barkeep littered the floor with sawdust, Dolly had to watch where she stepped, tobacco juice would spoil her white suede buck boots.

Roy always enjoyed when she stole a dab or 2 from Momma's bottle of Channel no5, a lingering scent of her from laying her head on his shoulder. To keep him company after he took her home.

When Dolly smiled at Roy, she lit up his entire world.. Like a shop's window during Christrmas.

Roy hung her name in the window of his heart and soon placed a ring on her finger.

So just as soon as they could, she again snuck out the window and down the ladder he held, tossing a small suitcase to land quietly in the bushes below, not to the Honky Tonk directly, but by way of the J.O.P.

When the Justice saw it would take all their money he did the deed for free.

Together they grew a family, the kids, the car notes and a mortgage of course. Many years of hardships but many more of much better than most.

But still they always found a way to be at that Honky Tonk every Saturday Night, whirling and twirling and doing the 2 step.

Time did pass and their smiles created creases and wrinkles as they are want to do.

But that never bothered them, their love grew and blossomed anew with each trip to the dance floor, their parquayed piece of heaven.

One night Roy left his pills on the kitchen counter as he shifted his stuff from his work-a-day to his pearl button shirt and then to straighten his bolo tie.

With the wrinkles came other infirmities that come almost as bonuses for tenure on this planet.

And while out on the dance floor Roy suddenly stops, a grimmace on his face...

He clutches at the memory of the bottle.... He gasps his last breath as Dolly's eyes fill with horror and clutches him as he slides down to the floor.

For the funeral they closed that little Honky Tonk, no whirling, or twirling or busting of broncos.

The owner retired Roy's Stetson to a spot over the bar, a place of honor.

Still, each week Dolly comes back, her hair done up high, and a little more pancake to fill in the lines..

Layers and layers of stiff, white crinolines rustling no shines bright and her faded but crisp skirts that lie so still...

Sitting up on her bar stool wanting to get out on the parquet dance floor, her eye on Roy's Stetson over the bar, just one more visit, just one more..
She waits to join Roy up on Heaven's Dance Floor....
this is an old performance piece circa 1998 so I think....
Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My 30 year affair with Stephen King

The other day I stopped while shopping at "my" Krogers (funny how we are possessive of our neighborhood grocery stores..) by the book table and once again mulled over purchasing Stephen King's most recent doorstop sized offering: "Under the Dome" and after a considerable mental debate (verbal would have drawn unwanted attention-although I could have pretended to be on my Bluetooth) placed it in my cart. I drove the ginormous paperback around whilst still debating about buying it as I selected celery and other produce...just so you know, Steve and I have had an affair now for about 30 years or so...I am sure that this would come as a surprise to Steve and even more so to his wife Tabitha. I am not saying our relationship has been a bed of roses (specifically Rose Red or Rose Madder) but he's been there for me ever since I picked up a tattered copy of "Carrie" at age 14.

I was hooked...bagged, tagged and on the front bumper for the next 30 years. And then there was "Christine"..."Christine was simply the best book I had ever read up to that point...and quite unlike anything I had read before including the naughty Jackie Collins novels and the James Michener monstrosities I would swipe from Mom and read with a flashlight under the covers.
Steve was cool, he didn't pretend to be cool or hip, he was obviously and inertly cool and he wrote that way. With dialog that rang true, and descriptive that was amazing and occasionally a little naughty too. His stories scared the snot out of me, were downright brilliant and I couldn't wait for more.

Steve and I were hot and heavy for the next fifteen years, I devoured everything he wrote, I couldn't wait to get my hands on his....books. (Yes I know he is a big, goofy looking, ex-school teaching, guitar nerd, but hey he loves the Ramones and so do I) "Salem's Lot" taught me all the important things I needed to know about Vampires and no they didn't sparkle or have amazing abs. "The Shining" made me actually yell out loud, "no Danny don't go in there!!" These were books that not only scared the snot out of me but taught me a lot about character development and how to progress a story line without rushing it.

I remember during my "career" at Hudsons a co-worker loaned me a bunch of SK's I hadn’t read yet and being a broke student I gladly accepted of them being "Cujo". I had gotten about two thirds in when this same person spied me reading in the breakroom.."you seen the movie?"
I said, "not entirely..." and she said "well the little boy dies in the book not like the movie..." I slammed it shut and threw the book at her and stalked out of the room. I have to this day never finished "Cujo" in book or movie form.

Steve was there for me when I was pregnant with Rachael (no she's not Steve's but she may as well be) and I would stay up all night sitting on the side of the bathtub reading the crazily addictive "IT" so I wouldn't wake my sleeping then husband. Wow that is one of the most mind blowing, scariest stories ever to make it to print. I am pretty sure that "IT" somehow warped Rachael in uterine as she is inexplicably terrified of clowns.... somehow the scary, unimaginable horribleness of Pennywise traveled to her psyche via the umbilical cord. Perhaps Rachael's love of animals stems from "Pet Semetary" that I re-read during that time as well. But if I ever catch her traipsing up a hill side with a dead animal in a sack and a shovel in her hand, I will be sure to nip that right in the bud.

Maybe reading "Needful Things" did something to Tarryn too while I was pregnant with her. It would explain a few things..

Stevie and I had our rocky years..but I made it through the "Bachman" books and other off target offerings..."Gerald Game" and "Delores Claiborne" to name a couple.

But as I alluded to earlier I had been burned by Steve before and didn't know if I wanted to invest $14.99 in our relationship...I felt betrayed by him a lot lately and I didn't know if I was ready to trust again. So I continued to work my way around the cereal aisle with "Under the Dome" staring up at me from my cart.

I remember picking up a fresh copy of "Misery", I nearly didn't finish that book because I thought the lead character was a miserable bastard that deserved what he got and really didn't cheer him on in his escape...then the absolutely brilliant movie came out and proved that "Stand by Me" wasn't the only Stephen King book or story that didn't stink up the big screen. "Misery" is also the only SK story that that is better as a movie than a book. The exception that proves the rule. Then came "Tommyknockers" and Steve and I broke up for a while, we had a small argument or at least I did regarding the exceptionally sucky plot and characters and I let him go for awhile.

For a time Stevie would leer at me longingly from book shelves and grocery store checkout lanes...but like a good girl I ignored his advances.

Eventually the "Green Mile" serialized books began to show up on the shelves...and I would glance coquettishly at them and Steve would flirt back outrageously of course.. but I knew that if I read just one and if it was good I would become addicted and wouldn't want to be left waiting the unbearable amount of time it would take until the next one was about half way through the series I caved in out of boredom and bought one. I imagine heroin addiction being easier to beat than those books, I totally mainlined the 3 or 4 already published volumes immediately and found myself in a cold sweat waiting at the Meijers at midnight on release days for the next installment, twitching like a socket licker waiting for my next fix....oh Steve why can't I quit you?

Years pass and many, many literary misses with time mispent and dollars wasted on sloppier efforts put forth by my Stephen.
"Hearts in Atlantis" was one of the better ones but "Dreamcatcher" sealed the deal on our seperation...that vile piece of crap was just plain awful, I just threw up a little in the back of my mouth thinking of it and not in a good way.

I recently tried to get back together with my Stephen after a trip to a used book store. I didn't get past the first couple of chapters of "from a Buick 8" and "Black House" I have kept the books near my bed stand hoping for a reconciliation.....I don't even want to get started on the Dark Tower series, too many unhappy memories there...
I received a copy of "Duma Key" at my Birthday Red Robin Extravaganza a couple years back (yes the "Mahogany Card Incident" a future blog for sure) that I read out of duty, it certianly wasn't his best but it gave me hope for our future (mine and Stephen's of course) together once again.

So I did buy that copy of "Under the Dome" and as I read the first page a familar sensation crept over me, the one where you can't wait to get to the next page and just gobble up the whole book at once, but at the same time you don't want the story to end, you want to savor the experience...the same sensation I felt when I started my all time favorite Stephen book..."the Stand"

I started "Under the Dome" on Sunday and I must say I have taken Steve to bed every night so far and I will admit to more than one nooner with him on my lunch breaks this week...come to think of it I have spent more enjoyable nights in bed with Stephen King than with all of my husbands combined..and sometimes we were all in bed at the same time....

till next time......

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Coming soon--

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....