Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where have all my products gone??

Where have all my products gone??
The Deodorants, Skin Creams, Make Up, Body Powders, Shampoos, Conditioners and Styling Products that I have searched high and low for that makes my life more bearable have disappeared from the shelves of drug stores and online stock alike.
 You are thinking, "whats the big stinking deal its just shampoo and crap?"
Obviously you have never had sensitive skin or fine hair and have a red neck well water softening system (the sucker turns my body into a giant salt lick thank you very much).
Add that to already sensitive skin and  those stinkin pellets turn me into a dry skinned, stringy haired, smelly freak---and not in a good way!
So it takes years to find just the right no aluminum sulfate deodorant stick (Tom's of Maine, unscented with Hops!) combined with Shower to Shower (peach scented) that makes me less smelly and keeps me from welting up and itching like a girl who did the nasty in the Poison Ivy patch (Nothin sexier than digging at your screaming itchy pits throughout the day like a chimp at the zoo) only to find out that the product has been discontinued and no longer made!
I guess that happens from time to time as perhaps there aren't as many chicks out there who have insanely sensitive skin AND stupid well water with a redneck softener system installed in their Cracka these products may not have sold well and therefore removed from shelves.
However, conspiracy theories have started to develop in my mind because not only did these products disappear off the planet but so did the specialized hair care products that took me years to find!
As a chica with fine hair and the aforementioned red neck salt lick issues its difficult to find something that works well. The people at Loreal had hit a home run with me with the SMOOTH INTENSE Shampoo and Conditioner for "Fine Hair that is frizzy" (yes it actually says that on the stupid bottle) first Loreal stopped producing the product line for Fine Hair that is Frizzy and then the entire line altogether! Forcing me to visit as many Big Lots outlet stores with in driving distance searching for the one Shampoo and Conditioner that doesn't make me look like Frizzy McGee or Greasy Louise...I struck gold last week in Pontiac when I found a lonely bottle of conditioner on the shelf in electronics (so organized at Big Lots!) I don't think my fellow outlet shoppers had ever seen a middle aged gal with a bottle of conditioner in her hand doing the Cabbage Patch Dance of Victory in the middle of the store before and likely won't again, I will admit that running up and down the aisles seeking high fives was a bit extreme...just think what I would have done if I had found a bottle of long lost Sunsilk Hydra TLC Smoothening Creme --I may have ran up and down the aisles hooting, hollering and waving my shirt over my head and screaming
"smoothening creme baby! That's what I'm talking about! Wooooowhoooooo!" Because it works that good!
The Loreal people tell me that they discontinued the Specialized Hair Care line because it was too specialized and not all the products sold as well as they expected. OK so they are telling me I am just not THAT special anymore...that hurts Loreal, that really hurts!! That stings in a place that actually doesn't require a specialized highly difficult to find heart!
So to those companies that discontinued making my stuff, you can kiss my salty kiester!

Blogity Blog, Crapity Crap: the random musings, observations, obsessions and outright rants of a 40 something, thrice married, Mother of 4 with a low income but high expectations. I have no stinking time to write a blog but its cheaper than psychotherapy or shoe shopping....


  1. You probably already did a search...but when someone says they can't find something, I just HAVE to find it (like my favorite bra in a hard-to-find size that was discontinued over 15 years ago...but still turns up in random online stores occasionally). So here you go...

    Tom's of Maine, unscented with Hops!

    Loreal SMOOTH INTENSE Shampoo and Conditioner for "Fine Hair that is frizzy”

    Sunsilk Hydra TLC Smoothening Creme

  2. Hi Lisa--thanks for commenting..I did some searching and found some out-rageous prices. But actually found some of the stuff on the clearance aisles of a supermarket up in BFE, MI.....
    like the Tom's o' Maine stuff at 75% off--I know right? Almost worth the gas and driving 3 hours to an area that is so rural that when you ask where the closest Yoga studio is they say: "don't know but the Sav-a-lot has Strawberry....I likes strawberry types yogart..."

  3. oh and about the bras...I know what you mean...have some great bras, amazing, sexy, keeps the girls all perky and in the right spot and stuff...and unfortanately the girls no longer fit into the over the shoulder boulder holders of yesteryear.....I am happy that I lost the weight, don't get me wrong there, but how is it that the first place I lose weight is the one place I want to keep it...sigh so not fair...first thing to go down is the cup size....I've been smoted by the TaTa gods...
